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Aug 29, 2018
A mass confession to everything
Multiple times during the course of our Yom Kippur services we recite the confessional, the Viddui, and the Al Chets. Together, they...
Oct 27, 2016
Do children find services boring?
One of the things I enjoy about teaching our children, particularly the younger ones, is that they will say what is on their minds, not...
May 11, 2016
Is no news good news?
Have you seen the news from Israel on local media recently? Neither have I. I was, in fact, struck by the utter paucity of stories from...
Mar 15, 2016
The 39 types of work prohibited on Shabbat
Trying to make an involved subject as simple as possible, the Conservative Jewish rules for Shabbat are pretty much the same as any...
May 31, 2015
Shalosh Regalim
The shalosh regalim, or pilgrimage festivals, are the central holidays mandated by Torah. Each of these three celebrations - Pesach,...
Apr 30, 2015
Dear World, It Appears That You Are Hard To Please
This was sent to me some time ago without attribution. I don’t know if it is copyrighted or not but it is well worth the read. As we...
Mar 31, 2015
Faith & Reason
The section of Torah dealing with the ritual of the red heffer, from the portion of Hukat, opens with the words zot hukat hatorah...
Mar 1, 2015
The Triumph of Evil
In October of 1916, with regard to the domestic issue of temperance, the Reverend Charles F. Aked stated that: “It has been said that for...
Feb 1, 2015
Each One Is Different
In the movie Fiddler on the Roof, young Leibesh asks the rabbi, “Is there a proper blessing for the Czar?” to which the esteemed rabbi...
Dec 1, 2014
“Short Cuts Make Long Delays.”
Much of what we learned (or, perhaps, didn’t learn) in religious school when we were young is not quite the whole truth. This is not a...
Oct 31, 2014
“…Swiftly Flow the Years”
A calendar is really a pretty simple thing; a collection of days, weeks, & months collected onto some sort of grid, paper or electronic,...
Sep 30, 2014
Scholars and Noblemen
There is a remarkable exchange between the rabbis of the Mishnah and those of the Gemara at the end of Tractate Sotah in the the...
Sep 30, 2014
Reflections on Creation
Each year, our celebration of the High Holy Days, renews in me a sense of the orderly passing of time. A mild depression sets in when, at...
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