Our Team

Rabbi Geier came to Utica, New York by way of Argentina, and joined us at Temple Beth El in 2021.
He has worked in many central roles in the Jewish community of Buenos Aires since 1980, including cantor, moreh, madrich, and rabbi. From 2017 to 2020 he was head clergy at Comunidad Hebrea in Guadalajara, Mexico, as a rabbinical student.
Rabbi Geier began his rabbinical education at the Marshall T. Meyer Latin American Rabbinical Seminary and completed his studies at the Rabbinical Academy at Mesifta Adath Wolkowisk (NYC) in 2022.
He received his rabbinical ordination in June 2023.​​
His wealth of knowledge and dedication to the community have made him a valuable part of our temple leadership.
Temple Organization

Cantor Emeritus
Kal Socolof

Rabbi Emeritus
Dr. Stanley Gerstein
Mark Smith
Office Manager
Julie Cain

Board of Trustees
Ernest Berkowitz
Dan Cohen
Murray Kirshtein
Wayne Meyers
Roseanne Witonsky
Brad Sklar
David Goldbas
Don Dresher