Hopefully, spring has sprung!
The Purim party at the JCC was full of food and fun. I would like to thank the students of the Hebrew School, Tanya Samoshuk and Tatyana Karyagin for baking our Hamantashen. Also, Bozhena and Tanya Samoshuk and Katrina Berkovich for preparing the kugels. To Rae and Steve Rosenfeld, thanks for doing the shopping. A special thanks to Kenny and Vic for all their assistance at the JCC. Our Purim Shpielers pulled off another hilarious performance and you can enjoy the photos in this issue of the Temple Times. Thanks goes to the actors from the Samoshuk, Karyagin and Suvorov families and Rabbi Geier.
We really appreciate the effort that was shown to entertain us.
A schedule of hybrid services for Passover appears in this issue but please note: YIZKOR SERVICE WILL BE DURING SHABBAT SERVICES ON APRIL 23rd.
Congratulations to Karneliia Samoshuk, a sixth grader at Clinton Elementary School for her artwork displayed at the State Capitol!
Chag Semeach,