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Sep 28, 2023
Parashat Shabbat Sukkot: The Tradition of Sharing Your Dwelling
It is the first night in the sukkah, and what better way to celebrate than also observing Shabbat? The book of Vayikra (Leviticus) says:...

Sep 21, 2023
Parashat Ha'azinu: We are a People of Music
A Hasidic tale recounts that when the Baal Shem Tov sensed that a calamity was approaching for his people, he would retreat to a place in...

Sep 14, 2023
Parashat Rosh Hashanah: The Two Beings Who Live Inside All of Us
תִּקְע֣וּ בַחֹ֣דֶשׁ שׁוֹפָ֑ר בַּ֜כֶּ֗סֶה לְי֣וֹם חַגֵּֽנוּ Sound the shofar on the New Moon, on the appointed time for the day of our...

Sep 7, 2023
Parashat Nitzavim-Vayeilech: The Torah is not in the Heavens
Lo Bashamaim hi. The Torah is not in the heavens. The Talmud illustrates this with a story we have shared before, the story of Taanuro...

Aug 31, 2023
Parashat Ki Tavo: To Whom Do We Owe Our Successes?
"And when you come to the land that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, and you possess it and dwell in it, you shall take...

Aug 24, 2023
Parashat Ki Tetzei: A Love that Lasts
Have you ever experienced loving in an irrational way? I mean those loves that burst into your life and take over your body, your soul,...

Aug 17, 2023
A path toward coexistence
I still have the images in my mind of the beautiful celebration at Temple Beth El for my rabbinical ordination. Interestingly, what...

Aug 17, 2023
Parashat Shoftim: Even a King Must Be Humble
Once again, the Torah places us in a situation where it recommends, instructs, and guides us on the path of humility. It's challenging to...

Aug 16, 2023
September 2023 | Message from our president
Shalom, Come see our new Ark! It is a masterpiece created by craftsman Solomon Goldbas. After months of planning, designing and...

Aug 10, 2023
Parashat Re'eh: Rising Up Out of Suffering
“See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God that I am...

Aug 3, 2023
Parashat Ekev: What it Truly Means to Listen
Parashat Ekev is the third in the Book of Devarim, or Deuteronomy. Ekev features a term that is repeated several times, actually more...

Jul 27, 2023
Parashat Va'etchanan: Remembering the Values of a Nation
The Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) approved the controversial "reasonability" bill last Monday with 64 votes in favor and 0 against....

Jul 20, 2023
Parashat Devarim: A Land of Milk and Honey
We are beginning the 5th book of the Torah, the last one: Deuteronomy. Its first portion, Parashat Devarim. This portion gives us a...

Jul 13, 2023
Parashat Matot-Masei: A Commitment to Growing Together
The Torah portions of this week, because we read two portions together, Matot and Masei, bring us a moment of the people where it seems...

Jul 6, 2023
Parashat Pinchas: Fighting Oppression Against Women
I remember that a few years ago, back in 2019, the United Nations Economic and Social Council voted with 40 in favor, nine abstentions,...

Jul 5, 2023
This is what Jewish looks like
I want to share a short, interesting story with you. It is not mine; it is from another Argentine Rabbi I know, Rabbi Guido Cohen. Here...

Jul 5, 2023
July/August 2023 | Message from our Executive Director
Dear Friends, It is almost to the middle of June, summer is on its way, if we look back to all the day’s we have observed, our year is...

Jul 5, 2023
July/August 2023 | Message from our president
MAZEL TOV, RABBI GUSTAVO GEIER!!! I was so pleased to be able to attend the ordination of Rabbi Geier. I have been joking with him for...

Jun 29, 2023
Parashat Chukat-Balak: Purity Among the Impure
Parashat Chukat-Balak contains rich themes to reflect upon. The Para Adumah (Red Heifer), the death of Miriam, the people's complaint...

Jun 23, 2023
Parashat Korach: How can we trust a leader?
How can we realize if a leader is positive or not? How can we determine if the words we hear from someone seeking a position, regardless...
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