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Jun 2, 2023
Parashat Naso: Lifting Up the Fallen
The fact that we are numbers in this world is not new. We are the social security number, the driver's license number, and the passport...

May 31, 2023
The Importance of Resilience
During the last week, what went well for you? To rephrase the question: Two weeks ago, what did you expect to happen last week? Which...

May 1, 2023
The Importance of Silence
When we listen to music, regardless of our choice or level of passion for it, we quickly learn it is not just about the musical notes....

Apr 3, 2023
We Were Once Not Free
This month, we are supposed to be valuing the concept of freedom, tasting the matza during our Sedarim, our Passover dinners, remembering...

Mar 26, 2023
Parashat Tzav: How do we deal with violent people?
Parashat Tzav describes how the offerings should be made and how the Kohanim should conduct themselves during those rituals. This theme...

Mar 19, 2023
Parashat Vayikra: Atoning for Our Faults
We are starting a new book: Vayikra. And this is one of the most complicated in the Torah. It's not that it's hard, because it really...

Mar 12, 2023
Parashat Vayekhel-Pekudei: The Privilege of Consecration
This week's parashiot seem, at first glance, to be of no importance. They are sections that, depending on the year, are read together or...

Mar 6, 2023
Parashat Ki Tisa: A Need to Feel Leadership
Ki Tisa, the Torah portion we read this Shabbat contains one of the most dramatic events in all of Biblical narrative: the incident of...

Mar 1, 2023
A Message of Identity
When we move away from the people we usually spend time with and move from a house where we were living for a while sharing our lives...

Jan 30, 2023
What Makes a Holiday Important?
“There are four days in the year that serve as the New Year, each for a different purpose: On the first of Nisan is the New Year for...

Jan 28, 2023
Parashat Beshalach: Signs that God is Present
We arrived to one of those moments in Biblical narrative that are not only culminating, but special: the crossing of the sea of ​​reeds,...

Jan 21, 2023
Parashat Bo: Choosing the Side of Good or Evil
We are at the end of the plague series. In our parasha we find the last 3 plagues: locusts, darkness and, of course, the worst of all,...

Jan 14, 2023
Parashat Vaera: Learning How to be Free
Sometimes it seems to us that our work is paying off, and it turns out that it is not. Sometimes it seems to us that we are failing in...

Jan 7, 2023
Parashat Shemot: The Leaders & Heroes of Judaism
Who are the leaders and heroes that our tradition gives us? We have seen countless times how our heroes are beings of flesh and blood,...

Dec 31, 2022
Parashat Vayechi: The Purity of Love Between Grandparents & Grandchildren
We are concluding the first book of the Torah, Genesis. If we take a step back and look in perspective, after the surprising and...

Dec 31, 2022
Chosen Messi
As I write this, some days ago Argentina became the world champion for the third time in the history of the World Cup of Football...

Dec 24, 2022
Parashat Vayigash: Hate Between Brothers
Sinat achim. Hate between brothers. The word hate is something strong. But so it is when siblings stop talking to each other. This week’s...

Dec 17, 2022
Parashat Miketz: Deception and Perception
We often say that appearances are deceiving. It is a well-known saying. And it is in the Torah above all. Through the different parashot...

Dec 10, 2022
Parashat Vayeshev: We Are Not Unique
It’s amazing how, in most cases, we need life or someone to shake us to react and change. We require an event, or strong words, or even...

Dec 3, 2022
Parashat Vayishlach: Running From Ourselves
What do we run from when we run? We do not always have the integrity, nor the wisdom, nor the strength to face those people or things...
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