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Aug 6, 2022
Parashat Vaetchanan—Shabat Nachamu: Consolation After Anguish
What is “being holy” all about? There is a parashah in which the Creator compels us to be holy, as He Himself is: Parashat Kedoshim. Our...

Jul 30, 2022
Parashat Devarim
The parashah that we are reading this week is Parashat Devarim. It is the first of the 5th and last book of the Torah. In this parashah...

Jul 23, 2022
Parashat Matot-Masei
This week we read two parshiot that, depending on the year, are read together or separately. This year, together (or mechubarot). In...

Jul 16, 2022
Parashat Pinchas
Who is Pinchas? Pinchas is both the hero and the antihero, depending on who judges it. Pinchas is someone who takes justice into his own...

Jul 9, 2022
Parashat Balak
In recent weeks we have seen how the People of Israel faced enemies and defeated them one by one, with the help and spiritual support of...

Jul 2, 2022
Parashat Chukat
What a sad parashah...! A parashah in which there are important farewells and major losses. The first is the death of Miryam. So it...

Jun 30, 2022
Seven values of the Masorti (Conservative) Movement
Why do we choose to be Masortim? In our Temple affiliation, we rarely find ourselves faced with the situation of choosing which Movement...

Jun 25, 2022
Parashat Korach
How difficult is the election season, when we need to choose for the right candidates! How does a person realize if a candidate speaks to...

Jun 18, 2022
Parashat Shelach-Lecha
The expression “it depends on the eye that looks at it”, or similar expressions, show us that each one of us has more than one point of...

Jun 11, 2022
Parashat Behaalotecha
Suppose someone told you that you are no longer good for what you have dedicated your whole life to; what would you do? How would you...

Jun 4, 2022
Parashat Naso
How many of us are grateful to those around us? I suppose everyone would say that they are… But, let's see: how many of us are grateful,...

May 30, 2022
Shavuot 5782
The year was 1935 and the Spanish government was making elaborate plans to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the Rambam's birth....

May 28, 2022
Parashat Bemidbar
How do we know when the right time to do something has come? How do we know that the conditions are given to make a decision and that it...

May 21, 2022
Parashat Bechukotai
Fifty-five years ago we woke up with the news that our brothers in Medinat Israel were in shelters, the soldiers at the front, the...

May 14, 2022
Parashat Behar
In this section of the Torah, Parashat Behar, we have several precepts that were more than renewals for the society of that time in which...

May 7, 2022
Parashat Emor
I like to find the little messages within the parshiot, within each of the sections of our Torah. And they are always there. In each...

Apr 30, 2022
Parashat Kedoshim
Let's talk about Holiness. The concept of kadosh is complicated. It is usually understood and translates as something Holy. It seems to...

Apr 26, 2022
Counting the Omer 5782
Pesach is over. We are in full count of the Omer. A custom that we usually leave aside for "those who comply", or "for the orthodox", or...

Apr 23, 2022
Parashat Acharei Mot
Acharei Mot is a parashah that resonates with us. Precisely, it is the parashah that we read on Yom Kippur. It is the one that surely...

Apr 16, 2022
Pesach 5782—Shirat Hayam
Without a doubt this is a special Friday. In Israel it is decidedly the last day of Passover, of a Passover that was characterized by...
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