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Dec 25, 2021
Parashat Vaera
Moshe and Aaron. Each one with a different leadership. Of Moshe, it is written in Devarim 34, about his death that "Bnei Israel wept",...

Dec 18, 2021
Parashat Shemot
“A community in formation with a marked tendency to submit to situations of slavery is looking for a leader. Full - life dedication....

Dec 11, 2021
Parashat Vayechi
Parashat Vaiechi shows us a Yaakov who says goodbye. A Jacob who is in his last days and understands that he must reorder the family, if...

Dec 4, 2021
Parashat Vayigash
Sinat achim. Hate between brothers. The word hate is something strong. But when two or more siblings stop talking to each other, it is...

Nov 27, 2021
Parashat Miketz
This week's parashah is full of messages. Full of interpretations. It is the parashah of dreams. The parashah of a Yosef who is taken...

Nov 25, 2021
Hannukah 5782
Hanukkah is a beautiful holiday on the Jewish calendar. The celebration begins on Kislev 25, which this year falls on November 28th at...

Nov 13, 2021
Parashat Vayishlach
What do we run away from when we run away? We do not always have the fortitude, the wisdom, or the strength to confront those or those...

Nov 6, 2021
Parashat Vayetze
How do you say thank you when there is a lot to be thankful for? You just say "thank you very much" and that's it? Sometimes it sounds...

Oct 31, 2021
Parashat Toldot
"Veele toldot Yitzchak ben Abraham, Abraham holid et Yiztchak". "And these are the generations of Yitzchak, Abraham's son: Abraham begot...

Oct 23, 2021
Parashat Chayei-Sarah
"Those were the days of Sara" ... This is how this parashah begins, an enigmatic beginning, which is contradicted by the name of the...

Oct 16, 2021
Parashat Vayera
There is a global scourge that a few are concerned with. It is an evil that separates. An evil that divides and does not allow people to...

Oct 9, 2021
Parashat Lech Lecha
What is the age limit for a person to change his course? Is there that limit? Many times you have heard a phrase like: "at my age, I can...

Oct 2, 2021
Parashat Noach: The Ark Was Not a Pleasure Boat
Who is Noah? We know he was a simple man, yes. We know that he was a righteous man in HIS generation, and that surely in another one he...

Sep 25, 2021
Parashat Bereshit: The First 7 Days
Does anyone remember what happened after the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Gan Eden, paradise? Some may mention one or two characters,...

Sep 19, 2021
A word of thanks, and reflections on Sukkot
First of all, I want to thank you ALL. It was really wonderful for me to feel how each and every one of you has received me in the...

Mar 5, 2021
Thou shalt not be a bystander
Perhaps you heard of the recent kerfuffle when Meyers Leonard, a player for the NBA's Miami Heat, was found to have used an all-too...

Oct 14, 2020
Finding meaning in ritual and routine
Most of us have routines; set ways in which we like to do things. Such routines are comfortable and comforting. If a routine is upset for...

Jan 19, 2020
Giving thanks
As we come into January, many of us will be watching football, whether of the College Championship variety (Go Buckeyes!) or the...

Jan 1, 2020
In Every Generation…
I sometimes wonder if other ethnic groups and religions spend as much time worrying about their ultimate survival as we Jews do. I think...

Oct 30, 2019
Why do Jews always answer a question with a question?
At one point in Junior High School I shared a desk with a particular young lady. Between things, we would talk about this and that and in...
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