Dear Friends,
We are in the midst of a hot lovely summer, and we are also giving thought to our High Holy Days with our family and friends. To be held at our present home at our original building at 1607 Genesee Street in our lovely large sanctuary on the second floor.
As we welcome Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur on the 1st and 2nd of Tishri and end with Yom Kippur on the 10th of Tishri in 5783 we will observe the first holidays of our year we will reflect and take stock, rededicate ourselves to Judaism and our Temple. Let us make this a year of thought and caring for near and dear, those in need at a distance and those we share our day – to - day life with. Let us be thankful for the good in our lives and may we be given the strength to handle what is difficult. We should always remember that all the mitzvahs we perform are a benefit to each of us and to those we help.
As we share this sacred season let us reflect in our hearts and minds thoughts of our family, friends and the world that is in state of chaos. Let us pray for Israel, our military around the world. May our prayers be answered and may we be sealed in the Book of Life for a year of peace, good health and contentment.
All the best to our congregation for a year of caring and well-being,
Mundy and Stan