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October | Message from our Executive Director

Dear Friends,

It is again time to welcome our High Holy Days, to share the New Year 5783 with family and friends. The days change but the dates stay the same, Rosh Hashanah is the first and second of Tishri and Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement is on the 10th of Tishri.

We have time for reflection, taking stock of ourselves, thoughts of what our past year has been, how we would like to change some thoughts of our own. Let’s give thoughts to the rich wisdom of what our moral and ethical teaching of Judaism is. We should also give thought to how we can help others, any time we can perform a mitzvah, it is a double blessing to those we help as well to us for seeing an opportunity to be at the right place at the right time.

This year we must remember that we will again be in our beautiful, large sanctuary in our original building at 1607 Genesee Street, take the elevator upstairs by pushing the #1 button in the elevator and walk to your right to enter the sanctuary with the beautiful stained glass windows, large old chandeliers, and very comfortable chairs. There are some of our original pews along the walls that you may sit in for the services if you wish.

As we share this sacred season let us reflect in our minds and hearts thoughts of our family, friends and the world that is in such a state of chaos. Let us pray for the people of Israel and our American Military in danger around the world. May our prayers be answered and may we all be sealed in the Book of Life for a year of Mitzvah, peace, good health, and contentment.

Stan and I wish the congregation year of caring and well being.

L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu,

Mundy and Stan

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