"When the winds of change blow, remember...sometimes what appears dead is simply preparing for a new season." — Jane Lee Logan
In the coming months Temple Beth El will see many changes.
Rabbi Geier is arriving in Utica during the first week of November. He has been conducting Erev Shabbat services and religious school via zoom from Argentina. Please watch your email for the Zoom link each week and join in welcoming Shabbat.
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." — Alan W. Watts
We are packing up the office and sanctuary for our move to 1607 Genesee St.
We will have in person services as soon as we are settled barring any Covid complications.
"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all." — Stanley Horowitz
The move comes with many expenses and your monies will assist in making our new home a reality.
If you have not already done so, this is a friendly reminder to please remit your dues and YK Appeal contribution.
Spring and summer come with a lush layer of foliage over reality, but when things start falling away in the autumn and get bare and stark in the winter we're forced to look at things more as they really are, including ourselves. — Terri Guillemets
Todah Rabah