Now that the holidays are over (whew), I can look back and share all the events with you.
The students of the religious school, along with their family members and friends, were invited to decorate the Sukkah at Gan Kavod on the Sitrin campus as well as the pergola at RCIL which we transformed for Temple’s use. We enjoyed Shabbat Services, a luncheon, religious school and our other classes in the Sukkah. Thank you to all of you that came to help. There are photos in this issue.
Congratulations to Raina Goldbas, Jeremy Weiselberg and Leo as we celebrated the naming of baby Eleanor. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Stan and Shannon Weiselberg, Brenda Kobilis, and David and Abbie Goldbas.
Our continued support of Israel is more important now than ever before. For those of you who attended the rally at the JCC, thank you. It was a wonderful cross section of people and the feeling of support was greatly appreciated by the Jewish community. Our thanks go to Rabbi Geier for spearheading the program and Vic for helping make it happen.
Thank you to all that have sent in your monies for the Yom Kippur Appeal. For those that need a reminder, here it is!
Please make your reservation for the Political Forum Breakfast. It will be at the JCC on November 5th at 9:00AM. Call (315) 724-4751 or email
Rabbi’s classes keep growing. Come join the fun! Everyone is welcome.
Take care my friends and pray for our Jewish family and those civilians not involved with Hamas,