Dear Friends,
As we continue to enjoy blue skies, no snow and the first day of Spring on March 20th we can look forward to many happy occasions. It will be a busy time for us. The adult Purim Party on March 4th and the Joint Purim Dinner on March 6th. It is so wonderful to have Rabbi Geier and Cantor Socolof share the service and reading of the Megillah at Temple Beth Joseph in Herkimer.
Then we move on to April, on Wednesday April 5th everyone is welcome to a community Seder at the Jewish Community Center. This Seder will be catered by Irwin’s Fine Foods. It sounds like it will be a traditional meal for all to enjoy. It will be wonderful to come together to share this special meal.
It is very important that you make reservations for this dinner so we know how many dinners to prepare. Just call the office 315-724-4751 and we will do the rest.
Hope to see many of you as we come out and about again after missing many wonderful occasions because of the past two years.
Don’t forget- if you need transportation, call the office and we will try to arrange a ride for you.