Hello, Friends,
We have come to the end of our two calendar years. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur were very early, we had to zoom again and share our lovely services with our new Rabbi, Rabbi Gustavo Geier, with his wonderful voice and smile.
We missed seeing Cantor Fader for the first time in many years, and Cantor Socolof has retired from HCCC and Temple Beth El after 30 something years. Both Cantors are always welcome to join us anytime, it would be a treat to have a visit.
Being at 1607 Genesee Street is getting to be a habit again, we are hoping to have in person Friday night and Saturday AM services, at the same time we will zoom the services for those that cannot attend in person.
I am going to ask you to please try to attend Saturday AM Shabbat services in person, it will be a mitzvah for all. I know the pandemic is making our lives difficult, but if you were a Saturday morning attendee please give it a try again, it will feel so good!
Our phone number is the same 315 724 4751, our address is TBE 1607 Genesee Street 13501, join us for a service, stop for a visit. As I write this we are just 10 days into 2022 / 5782, not to late to again wish everyone a happy SAFE New Year.