Happy 1st anniversary to us! It has been a year since we moved to 1607 and welcomed Rabbi Geier.
My sincere congratulations on Rabbi Geier receiving his Smicha!
After many years and loads of studying, his dream of becoming a Rabbi has come to fruition. His ordination will take place in June Page 9 in New York City. MAZEL TOV! We are so lucky to have you here in Utica.
During this year, we have begun Hebrew and Torah classes, celebrated Chanukah with the community by lighting the huge menorah in the garden, had fun at Purim with a speil and dinner at the JCC, enjoyed a Shavuot brunch with a study session, observed the High Holidays in the main sanctuary like in years past, decorated the pergola for a beautiful sukkah, welcomed each Shabbat on Friday night via zoom and in person with lively discussions on Saturday mornings.
Please consider doing a mitzvah on a Saturday morning by helping with a minyan so we can read from the Torah.
A Jewish community playgroup for 5-6 year olds will be starting this month at the JCC. It will consist of an hour of storytelling, crafts, food, songs and FUN learning about Jewish traditions! Keri Campbell will be leading the activities and Rabbis Geier and Schaktman will be involved as well. If you know children of this age group that would like to join, please let me know so we can include them in the group.
Thank you to David and Raina Goldbas for the inspiration! Thank you for your contributions of winter clothing. Rabbi delivered them to the clothing closet at the Plymouth-Bethesda Church. If you have more items to donate, please leave them at temple. Please join us on Monday, December 19th at 5:00PM to light the second candle of Chanukah on the huge menorah in the garden. We will celebrate with songs, hot chocolate and sufganiot!
Wishing you all health and happiness for 2023,