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December | Message from our Executive Director

Dear Friends,

How nice come December 18th we have another happy fun holiday to share. The first candle on the Chanukah Menorah will be lit.

We will celebrate Chanukah at home and at Temple. Chanukah is the Hebrew word for dedication – the Israelis are known as Modern Maccabees whose dedication and courage made possible the miracle of the Jewish State.

We celebrate this lovely festival by lighting the menorah for the eight nights of the festival, sharing gifts for the children, playing dreidel, loving the chance to eat lots of potato latkes, and in Israel we would enjoy the traditional sufganiot, jelly donuts that are sugared and sweet. It is a chance to review the story of the Maccabee’s and the rededication of the Temple with the crude of oil expected to last one day that ended up lasting eight days.

Let all of us enjoy this holiday season with our family and friends. Let us remember to count our blessings for the good in our lives and the opportunity to bring good into the lives of others. We will do what Jews have always done, rededicate our-selves to do the best for others whatever the deed may be, it turns out that the return is far greater than the deeds themselves. A sweet and happy Chanukah to one and all.


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