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April 2023 | Message from our President

Hello all!

We celebrated Purim 5783 with zeal! The Purim Party was a spectacular evening as you can see in the photos in this issue of the Temple Times. The night was full of fun, food and entertainment. Thank you to all the sponsors and the committee who created this successful event.

We travelled to Herkimer for a joint dinner and Megillah reading hosted by Temple Beth Joseph. We would like to thank our gracious hosts and look forward to future holidays to celebrate together.

The Bimah Buddies also celebrated Purim with Morah Keri and Rabbi Geier.

We have some Hamantashen experts in the making!

We hope to see you at the Sperling Holocaust Memorial Lecture at the JCC on April 18th at 7:30PM.

There will be an in person Yiskor Service on Thursday, April 13th at 9:30 AM.

Wishing everyone a Chag Pesach Semeach,


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